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August 7, 2008

Leaping into Beijing

Follow USA Diving Olympian Nancilea Foster's daily journey in Beijing on her personal blog.


Nancilea reflects on her first days in Beijing.

"Yesterday morning was our first trip to the pool. Before we got in the water, we took a bunch of pictures. I even climbed up to 10M and took some from there. The pool looks great.

I am finally here in the village. YAY! The last several days have been filled with all kinds of adventures. On Sunday night we had a send off gala that was quite fancy. We started the evening with a diving show. It was a little strange because we were marched out in front of the crowd, and in many ways it felt like a meet, but with no warm up time, and lots of down time in between march out and when we did our dives. Afterwards, we got showered and all dressed up (the event was casual elegant).

I found out what my Olympic Suit will look like! I am sponsored by TYR, and they have done a great job with my suit.

We made it to the village, and got our room assignments. We are sharing a suite with Judo one floor above the rest of the divers. I’ve just met the girls once this morning, but they seem really nice."

1 comment:

Olá sou Adrielle, mãe, mineira, casada e apaixonada pela vida. said...

Visite meu blog.


Beijos e abraços!